Missions Day 2020

November 1, 2020

Missions day is a dedicated Sunday each year, during which the CEC takes up an offering for the express purpose of funding missions and projects to bless the greater world. Currently 80% of the missions fund is dedicated to Africa and the goal of establishing micro businesses. This one goal currently empowers hundreds to grow small businesses that provide for themselves and their community. These businesses provide jobs for locals, money for the owners, and support to the churches and church schools in the area. When the business owners are awarded by the local church leaders, they are further able to support the church and her mission with ongoing income. It all starts with you. If you give even a little, it is joined by the gifts of others and begins a powerful work for the kingdom of God.

You can designate a gift on our giving page to Missions Fund.


Two New Deacons!

On Deacons: “They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.”   –  I Timothy 3:9

Saturday, July 11th 2020

The Cathedral church of Reconciliation has been blessed by the ordination of two new deacons, Samuel Foss and Caleb Northwood. The ordination was a limited capacity event attended by the Diocesan clergy and the ordinands family and several friends. Both men have studied and served for years before this point and have been pursuing a call of God to wear a clerical collar and serve the people of God under the authority of the Bishop. They boldly made their vows to preach the word, remain in prayer, to live lives of repute, to serve the church and the Bishop.

The Bishop spoke briefly at the ceremony of the importance of the selection of deacons, by the people. He reminded us that deacons are servants before they are superiors, and that they must be filled with the spirit and ALREADY in service before being put forward by their church family to serve in a clerical order. Acts 6 clearly outlines the selection of deacons and the purpose for which they are given by God to the church as a gift.

Deacon Samuel and Deacon Caleb are excited to take part the in the growth of the diocese and the church of God at large and both covet your prayers as they move under the weight of their vows and the glory of their calling.