Diocesan Bishop, Rector
Bishop Rob Northwood
Bishop Northwood was consecrated bishop of the Diocese of the Mid Atlantic States in March of 2019. He is the Rector and Founder of the Cathedral Church of Reconciliation and has been in ministry since just before it's founding. He is gifted as a pastor and administrator and operates in the gifts of healing and deliverance. He lives with his wife, Sarah in Bel Air, MD and has six children and four grandchildren.
Father Jeff McFillin
Father Jeff has served faithfully at Reconciliation for years. He leads our Thursday evening 6:00 PM mass. He serves several Sundays a month at our mission in Pigtown, Baltimore and ministers on the streets in the surrounding neighborhood there. He is a faithful husband and the father of 7. Come and visit the Thursday 6:00 PM mass to hear him preach!
Deacon Mark Carico
Deacon Mark Carico was ordained in November of 2018. He has served Reconciliation since its formation over 24 years ago, as a minister, children's leader, small group leader, nursing home minister, council member, and friend. Deacon Mark is husband to the lovely Sally Carico and father to 6 wonderful children and currently lives in Forest Hill, MD.
Deacon Caleb Northwood
Deacon Caleb Northwood was ordained a deacon in 2020 and serves as a praise team leader, chaplain, Young Adult Minister, and much more.
Men's Minister
Father Samuel Foss
Deacon Samuel Foss was ordained in 2020 and will soon be ordained a priest in the Charismatic Episcopal Church. He cut his teeth as a youth minister in the United Methodist Church and has faithfully served the church in a variety of manners, including men's ministry, greeting, healing ministry, and serves on several councils.