Building Phase 1 Has Started!

We have broken ground for phase 1 of the building project! Silt fence to prevent erosion is in place all over the property. Heavy equipment has been delivered, and the driveway has been cut into the hillside bank of the road. We are thrilled to see dirt moving from one side of the property to […]
Reconciliation – 25 Years in One Mighty River

THIS POST WRITTEN MARCH 2023 – DELAYED RELEASE Avery Northwood March 7, 2023 25 Years in One Mighty River This year marks the 25th Anniversary of The Church of Reconciliation in Bel Air, Md., now the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of the Mid Atlantic. The congregation was honored to welcome Archbishop Craig Bates and […]
Sunday School Ep. 2 Featuring Mrs. Ann

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Virtual Sunday School Featuring Mrs. Ann

Youtube – Mrs. Ann’s Sunday School Click To Watch
Missions Day 2020

November 1, 2020 Missions day is a dedicated Sunday each year, during which the CEC takes up an offering for the express purpose of funding missions and projects to bless the greater world. Currently 80% of the missions fund is dedicated to Africa and the goal of establishing micro businesses. This one goal currently empowers […]
Two New Deacons!

On Deacons: “They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.” – I Timothy 3:9 Saturday, July 11th 2020 The Cathedral church of Reconciliation has been blessed by the ordination of two new deacons, Samuel Foss and Caleb Northwood. The ordination was a limited capacity event attended by the Diocesan clergy and […]
How To: Worship From Home

How to: Worship from home A guide for those limited by COVID -19 By Avery Northwood It’s Sunday! Time to put on a decent outfit or even business casual. Time to do makeup, prep the kids, consume a hasty breakfast, and hustle out the door for church! Enter COVID 19. Many of us are finding […]
Praying To Saints?

From a Sunday Lesson on March 8, 2020 Bp. Rob began, “I want us to start looking at the lives of some of the Saints in the Church.” Immediately those from a Protestant background may have some worries or concerns. They think consulting the Saints in heaven may be “necromancy,” strictly forbidden in Scripture; or […]
The Veil Removed Film

This film was made with the intention of using contemporary mediums to glorify God through the revealing of the supernatural realities of the Holy Eucharist. It beautifully depicts the priest in persona Christi (as christ’s representative) and the epiclesis (the calling down of the heavens). We believe in the real presence of Christ in the […]
2019 Women’s Retreat Repost

“The fields are white unto harvest…” John 4:35 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 The 2019 Diocesan Womens’ Retreat was themed around the mission of evangelism. Not natural evangelism, but rather supernatural evangelism. The mission […]